5 Signs You Have a Dangerous Tree in Your Yard That Needs a Tree Removal Service

Trees are beautiful and provide many benefits to the environment. However, a damaged or diseased tree can pose a serious threat to your property and loved ones. Today's blog will discuss the five signs you have a dangerous tree in your yard that needs immediate attention from a tree removal service.

Breaking or Dead Branches

If your tree has branches that are breaking or appear dead or dying, then it's time to call a tree removal service. Falling branches can cause serious injuries or property damage, and dead or dying branches weaken the structure of the tree, making it more susceptible to collapse during high winds or storms.

Leaning Tree

If your tree is leaning, it may be a sign that it's at risk of falling. This could be caused by many factors, such as soil erosion, root damage, or improper planting. A leaning tree requires immediate attention from a tree removal service to prevent it from falling and causing damage.


Cracks in the trunk or branches of a tree are a sign that it's under a lot of stress. This could be due to heavy winds or storms or damage from insects or disease. If the cracks are deep or large, it's best to call a tree removal service to assess the tree's condition and determine if it's safe to keep the tree on your property.


The presence of decay in a tree can weaken its structure and make it more likely to fall. Signs of decay include soft, crumbly wood, cavities, and mushroom growth on the trunk or roots. If a tree has extensive decay, it's best to have it removed before it poses a risk to your property or safety.

Trunk Damage

Damage to the trunk of a tree can weaken its structure and make it prone to falling. Signs of trunk damage include deep wounds, cracking, or peeling bark. If the damage is extensive, it's best to have the tree removed to prevent it from falling and causing damage.

It's crucial to keep an eye on the health of the trees in your yard to ensure they're not a danger to your property or loved ones. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it's best to have a professional tree removal service assess the tree's condition and determine if it needs to be removed. Don't wait until it's too late — remove dangerous trees before they cause damage or injury.

For more information, contact a tree removal service near you.

About Me

how to identify tree illnesses and infestations

I spent my youth in the city, but when I got married, I moved out into the country with my new husband. We bought a house on a beautiful, wooded piece of land. It is the sanctuary that I had been missing all of my life. Unfortunately, having not grown up around trees, I was unaware of the fact that several of the trees were being killed by a nasty little beetle. Since those trees were removed, I have taken the time to learn how to identify tree illnesses and infestations before they become so serious that the trees need to be removed. Find out how to identify these issues here on my blog.

