What To Do When Your Trees Are Getting Too Much Rain

Spring rains can be nicely hydrating for your trees and other plants, but too much rain can be damaging and even deadly. Not only does the excessive moisture affect the health of the tree itself, but it has a couple of effects on you and your home's safety. If you've been getting much more rain than normal this spring, it's time to call a tree service. At the very least, you'll need to have them do some trimming.

Yes to Mulch, No to Debris

If the rains haven't been that excessive yet, and you get some periods where the soil around the tree can dry out, you need to get some mulch around the base of the tree — but that mulch should not include any debris. Carefully rake around the roots and clean up debris; if storms are causing the tree to lose leaves and twigs, have a tree trimming service look over the tree and remove loose and damaged bits. You should have the tree trimmed or pruned in late winter and early spring anyway to promote growth during the year, so this is a great time to combine that task with removing loose twigs that storms can send flying.

Once you've cleaned up the debris, add an inch or two of mulch around the base of the tree. Use a type of mulch that won't blow away in the wind. That will protect the roots against erosion from rain runoff.

Arrange for a Few Trimming Appointments

If the forecast is for many storms to pass through over the next few weeks, you may want to set up a few trimming and inspection appointments in advance. These don't have to be weekly, but you'll want a tree service to monitor the tree for damage. And during a stormy season, it can be difficult to get appointments as everyone else is calling, too. While most people think of tree trimming as something done after severe storms, it's also a good idea to have someone look over the tree after frequent storms have rolled through. They can spot damage that you might miss.

Anchor Younger Trees

If any of the trees in your yard are younger, you'll need to anchor them with stakes so that wind and heavy rain don't topple them. Pay close attention to the condition of the branches after each storm, too, because a broken branch on a young tree is a major opening for infection, especially from fungal pathogens that love the extra moisture.

Call a tree trimming service and see what their schedule is like. Ask about setting up a few appointments in advance at reasonable intervals to ensure that damage to trees is spotted and remedied before you find out about it the hard way, such as by having a branch suddenly fall. Better to find out you don't need the trees trimmed than to assume it and learn you were wrong.

About Me

how to identify tree illnesses and infestations

I spent my youth in the city, but when I got married, I moved out into the country with my new husband. We bought a house on a beautiful, wooded piece of land. It is the sanctuary that I had been missing all of my life. Unfortunately, having not grown up around trees, I was unaware of the fact that several of the trees were being killed by a nasty little beetle. Since those trees were removed, I have taken the time to learn how to identify tree illnesses and infestations before they become so serious that the trees need to be removed. Find out how to identify these issues here on my blog.

