3 Invaluable Tree Removal Tips

Nobody disputes the value of having trees on a residential property—they offer shade in the summer, firewood in the winter, and can drastically improve the aesthetics of a yard. That said, there are times when you may want to remove an unruly tree whose roots are destroying a garden or whose branches have grown out of control. While tree removal might seem like a daunting task, it's not terribly difficult if you educate yourself on the process and prepare a bit beforehand. To that end, take a look below at three basic tips to keep in mind.


If you don't possess the proper equipment, felling a tree can be the cause of a number of serious injuries. To start with, you'll need a hard hat and steel toed boots as well as durable leg coverings and a chainsaw with a sharp, well-oiled chain. An old chainsaw that hasn't been properly maintained can easily catch on branches and cause you to lose your balance if you're standing on a ladder. 

Landing Zone

If you have a large area of land on which to work, then you probably won't have to cut the tree down piecemeal. Instead, you'll work by making various cuts at the base of the tree until it topples over. First though, you'll want to identify a landing zone where you think the tree will fall. This is usually in the same direction the tree tends to sway in the wind. Regardless, you won't ultimately know where the tree will land until it begins to fall, so make sure you have a large area around the tree cleared out and free of equipment and people.

Base Cuts

Once you've identified a landing zone, it's time to start cutting. First, make a horizontal cut at hip level about a quarter of the way into the trunk. Then make a wedge cut starting at 45 degree angle relative to the top of the horizontal cut. Finally, you'll want to move to the other side of the trunk and start a back cut that is slightly higher than your initial horizontal cut by a couple of inches. Be careful that the chainsaw doesn't stick in this cut, and that when the tree suddenly does begin to fall, that you exit the area as quickly as possible. Many people have been seriously injured because of inattention during this process.

For more information and advice on the best way to have a tree removed, contact a company such as Tree Worx.

About Me

how to identify tree illnesses and infestations

I spent my youth in the city, but when I got married, I moved out into the country with my new husband. We bought a house on a beautiful, wooded piece of land. It is the sanctuary that I had been missing all of my life. Unfortunately, having not grown up around trees, I was unaware of the fact that several of the trees were being killed by a nasty little beetle. Since those trees were removed, I have taken the time to learn how to identify tree illnesses and infestations before they become so serious that the trees need to be removed. Find out how to identify these issues here on my blog.

